Sarah Meyers, Valleywag's new videographer, attended Facebook's Lunch 2.0 happy hour and asked Facebookers and other developers what the buzz was all about. She cut through the hype to get the real answer on why Facebook's so hot — the long-rumored IPO, of course.

Facebook employees all seem to have the party line down pat: What draws people to work there, most told Meyers, is "the environment": the youthful culture and the swift pace of rolling out code. But one, at least, is honest: He says he's at Facebook because it's pre-IPO. (Someone's been reading Valleywag.)

Even people at eBay, the stolid auctions giant, are getting into the Facebook action. Jimmy Ho, an eBayer in attendance, says the company's working on a Facebook app to introduce "social shopping." The as-yet-unreleased app, he told Meyers, will let you sign up for a "shopping buddy." Great. If we wanted to hang out in the mall with our friends, would we be shopping online?

(Video by Sarah Meyers and Enric for Valleywag)