Coming Back To An Empty Defamer Home

Greetings, friends. Defamer associate editor Seth here, back from my week-long side-gig punching up the script for Feed The Bears II: The Bears Are Still Hungry!. I'm quite proud of my work, having significantly heightened the drama of the glutton-fetish original through the introduction of an interfaith couple, who struggle to indulge their lustiest bear appetites while adhering to strict religious dietary guidelines. The double-DVD set ("Disc 1: Milk," "Disc 2: Meat") should hit stores by September.
In the meantime, we bid a fond farewell to guest editor Heather Cocks of Go Fug Yourself fame for another extraordinary run in the Defamer sidecar. We also, quite regretfully, must inform you that Mark—whom we long suspected was completely and miraculously impervious to illness—has finally succumbed to a dreadful summer cold. Let us make a quiet prayer for his recovery, and soldier on.