From the mailbag:

My son's roommate Sheff was working the BFP of the week in the Hamptons on Saturday night. Nobody knows what disease it was for, but anyway, Nicholson was there and at one point he wanders over to a fairly deserted bar being tended by Sheff. (Basically Sheff is pouring wine and fetching kegs and stuff.)
Nicholson says:"Workin' hard kid. I can see."
Sheff nods.
"So, lemme try a glass of that wine."
Sheff pours the wine. Nicholson walks away. Stops. Takes a sip of it. Stands for a moment and turns back to Sheff.
"Listen kid," he begins. "I don't wanna tell you how to do your job or anything, but this is the pussyest glass of wine I ever had."