This time each week, we coo and kvell
O'er comments that made us LOL
That's self-indulgent? Yeah, you bet!
But face it: so's the Internet.

Re: Hi, Chum

  • Guitarsnob:
    "True story: I fished with this guy. The back story is pretty detailed - summers in Hawaii, boat owning friends of my parents, and a Hawaiian resturant owner named Sam Choy - so I'll spare y'all the nonsense and get right to the point.
    I was out on this one-day fishing trip and somehow found myself in the angler's chair (I might have been tanning) when a fairly large fish took the bait. Overwhelmed as I was, I had no choice but to try and reel the fish in. The fish probably weighed more than I did and was pulling out more line than I was bringing in.
    Over my shoulder was this Frank Mundus guy yelling, "come on you little girl. What are you, a pussy?? The fish is kicking your ass!"
    I was 11 years old.
    The only fishing I've done since has been at the Abbey on Santa Monica Blvd."
  • Re: Dina Lohan Thought 16 Was The Legal Drinking Age
  • Far-Far:
    "dgiadggfh I WANT A TELL-ALL BOOK BY THE BODYGUARD SO BADLY!!! Questions to be answered: has Lindsay ever been a virgin? when not doing interviews or in character, does she tawk loike this? did she ever live in a dumpster? because she's so trashy!
    The book should be in the style of Delta of Venus. TELL TELL TELL!!!!"
  • Re: Janice Dickinson's "Sex Is So Strong"?
  • ConnPossible:
    "Eww, battered, chapped pussy."

    Re: Mara Altman Is Writing A Book About How She Has Never Orgasmed
  • Lolcait:
    "He's Just Not That Far Into You"