Courtney Thorne-Smith Swears Her Novel Isn't About Her

So Courtney Thorne-Smith, who you might recall as the author of The Greatest Celebrity Novel of Our Time, has granted an interview in which she vows that the heroine of her book, Kate Keyes-Morgan, is no mere analog for Courtney Thorne-Smith. "'I know people are going to think it's autobiographical,' Thorne-Smith said. But the cad is not her ex-husband and the dreadful mother is 'so comically not my mom. My mom would crawl over hot coals to have lunch with me.'" Um, okay! We want to believe Courtney, we really do. But it's hard to believe anything in an article that also contains the words, "Looking barely older than when she played Alison Parker on "Melrose Place" in the 1990s ..."