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We tend not to take tips from mysterious European sources about the world's most famous celebutards lightly, ever since "The french" sent us a breathless missive fully anticipating Paris Hilton's 180° transformation from wayward flashbulb-whore to Mother Theresa-with-a-Kitson-clothing-line by several months. So when we received the following e-mail from an alleged waiter at the Antwerp Hilton, in which he described witnessing Patron Saint of Bad Mommies Britney Spears seducing another conquest in the hotel lobby, well, we thought what we had in our hot little hands was the kind of scoop lesser global Spears-tracking outfits would kill for:


I SWEAR THIS ON MY MOTHERS GRAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I work as a waiter at the HILTON hotel at the Groenplaats in Antwerpen (Antwerp).

I saw Britney Spears making out with the leadsinger from the Crazy Banana girls. He was here 1 month ago as well to perform on the Groenplaats for the Eurogames in Antwerp.

They are both wearing a black leather jacket. And they have three big bodyguards !!!
They are making out like horny teenagers in the hotellobby !!!!!!!

I swear this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Despite many of the details checking out—Groenplaats did indeed host this year's EuroGames in mid-July—and an online report (in Dutch, but Evil Beet ran it through a translator) claiming she appeared at an Antwerp bar Monday with two bodyguards, distressedly inquiring, "Waar is the toilet?"—several reports debunking the Euro spottings have surfaced today, saying the singer was instead seen driving aimlessly towards Calabasas yesterday with both of her children in the back seat, hopefully tethered according to state regulations. We're not certain why our Belgian tipster would have sent us the misinformation—perhaps he's just a bored service personnel caught up in Belgian Britneymania who's convinced himself of seeing what wasn't there, or, more cynically, simply an exclamation-point addicted publicist for overseas novelty act the Crazy Banana Girls.

Britney Spears gespot in Borgerhout []