Like Going To Church To Learn How To Sing

Every week, we single out some commenters who made a special effort. If we didn't pick you, you've been doing something horribly wrong.
- Pinch_Vintage re: Yoga Classes Are Full Of Sleazy Eric Schaeffers:
"Maybe I'm overly sensitive, but it always made me uncomfortable that yoga is actually intended to have a deeper purpose than making yuppies fuckable. It just feels like going to church to learn how to sing then using that gospel trained voice to melisma out about how you wanna suck the devil's dick. . . Connotations aren't just for prison walls!" - Goodfootie re: Old People Have Sex:
"This makes me feel less guilty for not visiting." - Pope John Peeps II re: No, Megahyped Indie Hannah Takes The Stairs Is Not Good
"You know Dennis Lim doesn't actually make any real, serious qualitative judgement about the film in those two whole pages. Doesn't it make you think that he seriously hated the shit out of it, but perhaps had to make the NYT seem like it was embracing the avant-garde?If only we could hack his iphone, I bet we'd see outgoing emails like 'OMG the jeans. OMG man-tits!'"