Malawi Continues to Clog Up Celebrity Adoption Avenues With Bribe-Unfriendly Red Tape

Figures. Just when the Jolie-Pitt Army of Uber-Moppets had us convinced we could kill time on a slow Monday by cheerfully hand-picking any adorable foreign-born tyke we want and raising it as our own, Madonna has to come along and rain on our parade. Apparently, the good people of Malawi can't decide if she's a wicked, rapacious hellion or a serious(ly rich) potential parent for Malawian quasi-orphan David Banda; finally, per Reuters, they've apparently chosen Door No. 2, but not without totally removing the possibility of more thrilling, head-shaking indecision:
An official appointed by a Malawi court to assess whether Madonna and her husband would be suitable parents for the child they are seeking to adopt said on Monday he will visit the couple in Britain next month.
"There has been a change of mind by my government minister and she has allowed me to leave for the UK on September 4 and I am expected to spend two weeks," Penstone Kilembe, who had been refused permission to travel to Britain, told Reuters.
Madonna and her husband Guy Ritchie's attempts to adopt David Banda hit a snag earlier this month when [...] a Malawi newspaper reported Kilembe was prevented from traveling to Britain because he had accepted a plane ticket and money from Madonna without government approval.
Kilembe dismissed the suggestions he asked the pop star for a ticket.
"What we had with the minister was just a misunderstanding and that has been resolved."
He added, "Yep — one minute the boss had a bug up her ass about 'special favors' or some shit; the next, she's playing around on a brand-new iPhone that mysteriously appeared on her desk with personalized haiku from Rosie O'Donnell set as the ring-tone, and she's totally back on board with my free trip to New York. Where, I'm sure, we'll learn that little Dan or Dink or Madonnald or whatever is living very happily indeed. Now, want to take my new Wii for a spin?"