For a brief glimpse of a moment last week we genuinely liked Lance Bass. He'd just given an interview with New York mag's party hobbit Jada Yuan in which he A) bitched accurately about the NY real estate market B) dissed astutely Justin Timberlake's new restaurant and C) copped admirably to being the worst dancer in 'N Sync. "I've been a few times," he said about Southern Hospitality. "But it's really up there. The Upper East Side? I'm not in college anymore." Now Bass claims that he said no such things and he's demanding a retraction.

Writing on his MySpace blog, the catty Bass writes, "This dumb reporter just put words in my mouth..." Now you think he'd be used to things being put in his mouth (ZING!) but he's pretty steamed. He also offers persuasive proof that he never said those things that she said he said.

I told her I eat at Justins new place all the time, but it is really far away in the upper east side and always full of a college crowd. She turned that into " Lance doesnt go to Justins restaurant cause its too far away and he doesnt like it because he is not in college anymore!" Um.. I didnt go to college, why the hell would I say that!

This girl should be working for the Enquirer instead of a legit magazine!

Don't worry, Bassy—she's not!

Update:: New York magazine responds.

(1) We stand by the interview; Bass was not misquoted. (2) Bass is not quoted as saying New Yorkers have no style — it's clear that he's referring to the apartments he looked at. (3) The piece also does not suggest that Bass doesn't hang out at Justin Timberlake's restaurant. In fact, it specifically quotes him as saying he goes there. (4) Though Bass's quote about his dancing ability ("I was the worst dancer in the band") has not been called into question, we'd like to reiterate that Bass was, indeed, the worst dancer in 'N Sync. (5) Bass now says he's going bi-coastal; he never mentioned that to us, but we're glad to hear it! Welcome to New York, Lance.
