Missing Cell Phone Leads to Full-On Female Brawl at Bronx Diner
Matt Cherette · 01/07/11 02:20PMLast Sunday, patrons at the Bronx's Munch Time Diner were treated to more than a piece of pie when a nasty fight broke out—over a missing cell phone—between several women in the middle of the restaurant. Watch inside.
Jersey Shore: Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Ohhhh Canada!
Zach Mack · 10/01/10 01:45AMThe Ultimate 80s Teen Queen Face-off: Tiffany vs. Debbie Gibson
Eleni Crush · 07/27/10 01:41PMOnce upon a time in the 1980s, two teen popstars, both alike in dignity, duked it out for the adoration of mallrats everywhere. Now, twenty years later, SyFy delivers that long-anticipated catfight to us—Tiffany vs. Debbie Gibson.
The City Proves That People with Fake Jobs Still Must Obey Their Bosses
Emily Chen · 07/07/10 11:38AMThe Challenge: Fresh Meat II Continues the Great Tradition of In-House Catfights
Zach Mack · 04/22/10 03:46PMSettling Fashion Week's Feuds
Brian Moylan · 02/18/10 04:19PMElizabeth Edwards vs. Rielle Hunter
Foster Kamer · 09/27/09 06:30PMAdmittedly Bitchy Newspaper Man Gavin O'Reilly Can't Help Himself
Andrew Belonsky · 08/31/09 02:20AMCan Double X Get Feminist Media On the Same Cycle of Hate?
T.A.N. · 05/23/09 03:00PMClay Aiken Trashes American Idol, Adam Lambert
The Cajun Boy · 05/21/09 09:15PMHilary Duff And Faye Dunaway Kick Off 2009's First Great Catfight
STV · 02/03/09 02:20PM'Uncool' Update: Jennifer Aniston Was Just Fine Until Angelina's Taunting
STV · 11/11/08 04:43PM
We already know Jennifer Aniston thinks Angelina Jolie's spouse-theft is the very picture of "uncool." But a little context couldn't hurt in understanding the true depth of Aniston's lingering antipathy over her split from Brad Pitt — like that whole part about Jolie's "detailed timeline" of their illicit courtship on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith? Definitely uncool, says Aniston:
Jennifer Aniston Finally Weighs In on 'Uncool' Homewrecker Angelina Jolie
STV · 11/11/08 11:45AM
As if slow-motion footage of filmdom's most adorable puppy wasn't enough to make you race to see Jennifer Aniston's holiday movie season entry Marley & Me, the star has Phase 2 of the film's heart-tugging marketing campaign set to launch any day now. And we hear it's a good one, too, with new promotional partner Vogue signing on for Aniston's first public thwacking of husband-stealing Angelina Jolie.The Daily Mail reports that Vogue's December issue features cover girl Aniston posing along with the quote, "What Angelina did was very uncool" — one of the decade's more reserved understatements, no doubt, coming almost four years after Jolie's trysts with her Mr. and Mrs. Smith co-star Brad Pitt led to his and Aniston's divorce. The rest is clan-breeding, burger-photographing history, but an insider says Vogue will do what it can next month to restore Aniston's pride:
Nicole Richie Shows Paris That She Too Is Capable of Girl-on-Girl Action
Kyle Buchanan · 10/21/08 07:25PMWhile her old BFF Paris Hilton has remade herself as a third-party presidential candidate, Nicole Richie has been content to slip out of the spotlight, instead making questionable moves like living in Glendale and giving the dude from Good Charlotte a second career as a professional boyfriend. Last night, however, Richie returned to the acting career she had given up after being forced to feign interest in the non-famous for multiple seasons of The Simple Life. In her appearance on the NBC show Chuck, Richie channeled her claws and engaged in a bruising, bloody catfight not seen since the great Aguilera/Richie Baby Picture Smackdown, and we have the confrontation's best moments. Sure, the fight isn't quite Buffy vs. Faith caliber, but at least it's better than the brouhaha that ensued when Paris and Nicole once showed up to a T-Mobile party wearing the exact same hair extensions. Shit went down — trust. [NBC]
Old Ladies Fight, Run The World, Despite Terrible Skin
Dashiell Bennett · 09/13/08 10:04AM
Anna Wintour is the scary domineering overlord of Vogue and, by extension, the entire fashion industry, but did you also know that she is quite old! Fifty-eight years, if you want to split one of the fabulous hairs on her perfectly bobbed head. This fascinating little tidbit was made abundantly clear by the Huffington Post, which for no apparent reason turned into WWTDD yesterday afternoon and posted large high-quality pictures of Wintour's 58-year-old skin. It's seems Vogue has lots of beauty secrets to share, but none that can turn Wintour's face and arms into the tight, baby-smooth softness that her waif-y models possess. (No wonder she's never been on the cover!) With no explanation for this bizarre swipe—and Wintour obviously still filming the video rebuttal for her MySpace page—the New York Observer took it upon themselves to remind the world that the Huffington Post is also run by a scary and equally old lady with clogged pores. So what's up with all the cheap shots? Well ... just look at them! They old!
Vincent Gallo Threatens Yet Another Girl. Let's Fight Him.
Sheila · 09/12/08 02:05PM
When he's not threatening our tipsters and offering to shove recording devices up our collective ass, scruffy indie actor Vincent Gallo is threatening a female Blackbook reporter at Fashion Week. The Brown Bunny actor offered to "track [her] down and make [her] wish [she] was never born!" (In fact, we've also heard from other gal reporters who have interviewed Vince that received threats along the same lines.) Maybe Vince loves women so much he hates them. Because he would be rakishly handsome if not for all this anger. Hey Vince! You can track me down and make me wish I was never born—I'm just crazy enough to win. I'm in the office at 210 Elizabeth Street most weekdays (so call first.) Bring it. (And who the fuck is letting him into Fashion Week?) Click for the girl-threatening video![via Blackbook] Click to view
Mary Rambin Attacks A "Stupid Bitch" To Spice Up Her Lifestream
Ryan Tate · 08/17/08 11:08PM
Even those who care nothing for the "lifestreaming" website NonSociety, the Bravo reality TV show pilot being spun off from it or the fameballs behind it can appreciate the fundamental truth on display on the site this weekend: Conflict is central to any "reality" driven broadcast. Without conflict, reality television would be watched mainly by sociology professors and prison inmates. That's why producers in the genre tend to seek out dramatic clashes of any sort, going so far as to line up racists, sexists and just overall idiots for their casts. It's also why the most interesting thing posted so far to NonSociety, one month in, is recently-insecure designer Mary Rambin's tiff with bitch-blogger Frangy over... well, over whether two streets intersect. Spoiler: Things do not end well for poor Mary.
Blonsky vs. Golden: Let's Go to the Videotape!
STV · 08/04/08 12:40PMWhile the early eyewitness accounts of last week's Blonsky Family Reunion and Airport Rumble yielded enough specifics to suss young star Nikki Blonsky's injuries, it wasn't until today that we've finally seen the video that we knew would surface in the bloody aftermath. And what a scene it is, featuring Blonsky's Long Island nemesis and America's Next Top Model contestant Bianca Golden standing firm as the Hairspray actress is dragged away, yelping for charges to be pressed. But what really makes the sparring special is the camerawoman's inspired commentary: "She done decked the girl out, Tracy Turnblad... She won't be dancing around here today." No kidding: Both Blonsky and Golden were later charged with actual bodily harm (which, according to People Magazine, carries a maximum sentence of two years), while Blonsky's father Carl faces even sterner judgment — a five-year maximum on charges of grievous bodily harm. And at the end of it all stands the steely-eyed Golden, prompting us to wonder exactly how such a lithe beauty could ever outmaneuver the infamous Blonsky Sandwich. So many questions! For now, though, follow the jump and bask in the play-by-play joy, live from Turks and Caicos. [TMZ]
Jessica Simpson Adds Pamela Anderson To Long List Of 'Bitches' And 'Whores' Who Despise Her
Molly Friedman · 06/30/08 02:45PM
After proving she had little to contribute to the film or starfucking industries, Jessica Simpson finally realized she should keep her pretty-but-pretty-dumb mouth shut for the time being and instead let her t-shirts do the talking, angering PETA in the process. Though the feisty baby seal saviors have their fair share of enemies, they've also impressively managed to get celebrity spokespeople like Alec Baldwin and Eva Mendes to embarrass themselves in public by demanding the public do drugs (Baldwin) or taking off their clothes in the name of fur (Mendes). So naturally, Simpson's public cry for attention irked PETA's most compassionate celebrity nudist, Pamela Anderson, who called her fellow talent-challenged blonde "a bitch and whore" on a radio show. But this is far from the first time Jessica has ruffled another starlet's feathers just by being Jessica. We took a look back at the many ways Simpson has made herself a household name not by selling records or movie tickets, but by starring in her own personal Catfights franchise.