Andy Dick's Paparazzi Victim Listed In Stable Condition In Cedars-Sinai Bite Unit

Comedian and provocateur-about-town Andy Dick is certainly no stranger to the consequences of failing to respect personal boundaries, having in the recent past been forcibly escorted off the Jimmy Kimmel Live set for repeatedly attempting to caress a Trump Thigh (not Donald's—but no scenario is entirely out of the realm of possibility for the lusty pansexualist), as well as having received a vigorous beat-down from an incensed Jon Lovitz, a pummeling lovingly dedicated to the memory of Phil Hartman. But when one of TMZ's camera-equipped henchmen approached Andy for comment during a rare moment of vulnerability—he had just seconds before been deemed too pants-deficient by the Guardians of the Velvet Rope stationed outside club Opera for entry—the tables upon which his harem of leggy escorts were intended to dance the night away were turned. Ignoring the fervent pleas of his skanktourage to leave the photographer alone, a mouth-foaming Dick chased his target down the Walk of Fame. It's a terrifying pursuit that was caught on tape, making it a rare and valuable resource for emergency response technicians hoping to be more prepared in the inevitable event of future Dick attacks.