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If there's one bright spot to the massive, black thundercloud hanging over Hollywood this week, it comes in the form of an outpouring of love and genuine sympathy for Owen Wilson—not just from his fans, but from fellow celebrities, who know first hand of the inner turmoil that can accompany being permanently strapped into the fame machine, and who would go to great lengths to inform Entertainment Tonight's cameras of how much they are pulling for him in his time of need:

"I don't know what happened," JANE SEYMOUR says of OWEN WILSON's reported suicide attempt, "but I know he's a great guy and this too shall pass...He has a great family and people who love him," she says. "He'll be okay."

Other stars have also come out sending their well-wishes to the popular actor. "We're with you," KELLY PRESTON said. "If you need anything, call us, seriously."

"Call us Owen, we love you," her husband JOHN TRAVOLTA added.

"I just hope he gets better fast," AISHA TYLER said.

"We're all thinking of you," JENNIFER LOVE HEWITT said. "You're such a talent. Stay strong and tough. Lots of love and stay well."

Like yesterday's love-affirmation from Bernie Brillstein and Tom Arnold, these good wishes are almost certain to comfort a recuperating Wilson, who'll more than likely receive them this evening when he tunes into the syndicated celebrity news magazine from his hospital bed to help get his mind off things. Even so, after learning from a mental health professional of the dangers of irresponsibly throwing around terms like "succeeded" and "failed," we're now hypersensitive to word choice; we only hope their well-meaning entreaties to "get better" and "stay well" won't place unnecessary, value-labeled stress on the patient. A healthier approach was that of the Travoltas: All Wilson really needs to know right now is that his friends are there for him, and that if he calls them up asking for a cup of mental-health-inducing vitamins, they'll be on his doorstep, no questions asked.