Are you hot enough for TechCrunch20?

Want to get into TechCrunch20, the upcoming startup conference held by Mahalo CEO Jason Calacanis and TechCrunch editor Michael Arrington? Are you "RELIABLE," between 5'7" and 5'9" and have "long hair and a petite frame?" This is could be your chance. According to an ad on Craigslist, two models are needed to work all day on September 18, the second day of TechCrunch20, doing promotions for a "media company" in San Francisco's "Financial District." Interested? Just send in your resume, headshot, and full body shot to But which "media company" is it?
We suspect the company is one of the startups presenting in the DemoPit, or some perv trolling for pictures. (Possibly both!) It's not the conference organizers, that's for sure. We checked with Arrington, who denied placing the ad. "Not us" he remarked, adding that he'd never heard of the ad before we brought it to his attention. The people who posted it, he surmised are "probably looking for a post on Valleywag." Well, we aim to please.