Nina Garcia, Project Runway judge and alleged 'Elle' editor, has a new book coming out after Labor Day called The Little Black Book of Style. In it, she imparts her wisdom about the world of fashion unto others for the low, low price of $17.95, or just $3.95 more than a year's subscription to 'Elle.' In our final excerpt, from chapter four—"What to Wear When..."—Nina offers insights into what to wear on various occasions. Also, what not to wear. Hint: granny underwear.

I once saw one of the most influential women in fashion wearing one of her standard amazing outfits: a great jacket with a great pair of jeans. But when she turned around, I was horrified. Panty lines! Granny panties! Who in the twenty-first century does not own a thong? That day she fell from grace just a little bit (or maybe a lot). You have to check your backside before leaving. No panty lines or thongs showing!

So who was the fashion queen, whether editor or designer, with the granny underwear? Your guesses, please, in the comments.