The Ellen DeGeneres Show's new season debuted this week from New York, where she introduced audiences to her new DJ, KROQ's and Loveline's Stryker— though the two seem to be suffering from a chemistry deficiency. On today's episode, Stryker made an off-color joke that involved the word "bitches," prompting an awkward, angry lecture about the differences between radio and TV standards and practices.

Of course, no one could ever take the place of beloved DJ Tony—whose children we suspect the comedian would gladly carry—but all Stryker probably needs is a few more weeks to work past the new job jitters and find his unthreatening-lesbian-sidekick voice. Still, should things not wind up gelling, we'd like to redirect producers to the discarded audition tape of DJ Evan Brand, who is clearly loved by the camera and has energy and charisma to spare. Certainly John "Wild Hog" Travolta would approve.