Today's teenage girls have some serious ish to contend with, and it cannot be helping that our former intern and current Radarer Neel Shah is being allowed to give them advice under the auspices of his unofficial position as Spokesman For Boys. This month in Cosmogirl, he explains the five reasons "Why Guys Lie." For starters: "See, unlike girls, when guys lie, we're not really thinking about the benefits or consequences to what we're saying." This is a lie. The article is full of lies, actually!

Maybe it seems like we're taking this too seriously. On the one hand, oh ha ha this is some harmless pagefiller in a teen magazine. On the other hand, what a total pig.

Like, here's the most egregious lie in the article: reason number five Why Guys Lie. "Because We Like You! When a guy's getting to know you, he may think that he needs to lie a little to get you to like him ... Now that we know you like us, we feel safe being 100% real."

Hey, thanks, no. Next up: Why Guys Date Rape: Because We Like You!