Tobey Maguire Wants A Piece Of The Giant Fucking Robots Action

With Transformers having shattered all kinds of non-sequel box office records, Voltron in the development pipeline, and Gobots: The Movie awaiting the hedge fund capital infusion that will allow it to expand into a feature-length production, it's obvious that Hollywood is suffering from a serious case of robofever—and, as the THR notes today, the disease is worsening: Warner Bros. and Spider-Man star/occasionally portly poker enthusiast/burgeoning producer Tobey Maguire are getting into the Giant Fucking Robots business, announcing that they're teaming up to bring Robotech, yet another 1980s cartoon series involving oversized automatons and the human freedom fighters who love them, to your local multiplex:
"We are very excited to bring 'Robotech' to the big screen," Maguire said. "There is a rich mythology that will be a great foundation for a sophisticated, smart and entertaining film." [...]
A sprawling sci-fi epic, "Robotech" takes place at a time when Earth has developed giant robots from the technology on an alien spacecraft that crashed on a South Pacific isle. Mankind is forced to use the technology to fend off three successive waves of alien invasions. The first invasion concerns a battle with a race of giant warriors who seek to retrieve their flagship's energy source known as "protoculture," and the planet's survival ends up in the hands of two young pilots.
In positioning Robotech as the "sophisticated" and "smart" robot-related project, it's clear that Maguire is throwing down the gauntlet at the feet of Michael Bay, who has already established Transformers as the franchise of choice for those who prefer their huge droid flicks heavy on explosions and light on ideas. But Bay, as we all know, is hardly one to shy away from a challenge, and later today he'll doubtlessly answer Maguire's challenge on his blog, promising his fans that Transformers 2 will contain "500 million percent more shit blowing up," and pledging to "leave that sophisticated and smart tea-party bullshit to Tobey and his giant fucking robot pussies."