The Commies

Each week, our commenters blab and blab and blab. We used to reward them arbitrarily with a night in our Gold Star Motel. But that was just to get them to shut up. Who will listen to them? Who will care? Not us! But we know who cares: Crazed uber-commenter LolCait cares! That's right, we've set our chattiest commenter to the task of tracking the best of commenting each week. Boy, we feel for whoever's paying LolCait's paycheck at the day job.
And now, presented without commentary, for now, LolCait's socialist picks 'o the week:
- BK_KT re: Emotional Fan Defends Britney Spears:
"He makes a good point." - TRAMPOLINE re: Britney Boy Happy To Say Provocative Things To Anyone Who Wants To Interview Him:
"I hated him. Then I read the Stranger article and I kind of loved him. But, let's be honest: I hate him.
If you read his whole story, though, it's hard not to include the words 'oh, Sweetie' among all the others you want to say to him. He's the sad answer to the unasked question: "What if a John Waters movie was real?" - GORGEOUSGEORGE re: Rune-Reader Kathleen Deyo Thinks "Psychic Junkies" Are Pathetic:
"I dunno if 'dreamboat' is the best way to characterize Rasputin. 'Crazy old mystic with a 15-inch horsecock,' perhaps. Then again, to some folks that's the very definition of the word 'dreamboat.' To me it just conjures up scenes from Ian McKellen's Lord of the Rings dressing room that I'd rather not think about." - CANDYBOOTS re: 'New York can't in any stretch of the imagination be called a literary city':
"Ah yes, I recall when the saloons were frequented by jaunty chimney-sweeps who had nary a penny! Now there are none but fops who ride their new-fashioned bicycles with the tall front wheel." - MATHNET re: A Weary Nation Has Moved On
"I personally believe that some U.S. Americans out there in our nation don't have calendars."