The Times finally gets around to noting this coming Sunday's launch of Page Six The Magazine. New York Post magazine editor Col Allan notes that the Post isn't just aiming at the New York Daily News; the Times itself is a target. Why? Well, the Times reminds you, "The Times' Sunday magazines—a century-old weekly, and four new, less frequent ones—attract a lot of ads and are important money-makers for the newspaper." Duly noted! And clearly necessary! Another Rupert Murdoch publication, the Wall Street Journal, has announced its launch of a glossy magazine resurrecting the "Pursuits" rubric. Robert Frank, the paper's chronicler of rich people, is expected to play a large role in the monthly mag. It's just so nice to see everyone at every newspaper on the same page (as it were). Maybe later they will start making money on the internets!

New York Post Will Publish Weekly Page Six Magazine [NYT]
Journal Starts Monthly Magazine [WSJ]