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As we can think of no better way to kick off a sunny Friday morning than by contemplating the staggering wealth of the Hollywood multibillionaires who can buy and sell all of us like so much cattle, we spent some time with The Forbes 400, the magazine's ranking of the absolute richest of the American rich, to check in on how some of the industry's best-monied overlords are growing their intimidating cash hoards.

We take particular inspiration from skeletal Viacom executive presence Sumner Redstone's position at #41 on the list, as his $7.6 billion net worth represents the culmination of over seven centuries of tireless work in the entertainment sector, a career that began when Redstone ran a gang of picketpocket minstrels who secretly fleeced the European peasants they tried to amuse with song before the Black Death claimed their wrectched lives. (Consider how far the mogul has come: Redstone is now so rich that he can fire Tom Cruise just because he annoys his wife. Amazing!) Some other Hollywood notables charting: Dream Works pals David Geffen (#52) and Steven Spielberg (#117), George Lucas (#86), and Power Rangers magnate Haim Saban (#102). Enjoy!