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As much as we hoped it might happen, we never really anticipated Big Brother 8 breakout anti-Semite/anti-Manhattanite Amber Siyavus would be subjected to a montage of her greatest hate-mongering hits on Tuesday night's finale. Still, we assumed reporters would have jumped on the opportunity to get her to further clarify her theories about the "money-hungry" peoples, easily identifiable by their noses, surnames, and love of the Mets. Only Reality News Online, however, was successful in getting Siyavus to address her Gibsonian sentiments:

RNO: Is there anything else you want to tell us about your time in the Big Brother house? [...]

Amber: I made a comment when I was upset with Eric — I made it about Jewish people and people from New York. I just want to tell the people I offended that I am very sorry. I did not mean to offend anybody and I was upset with Eric at the time. Being upset, people tend to say things they don't mean.

That came from a really bad place, and from the bottom of my heart, I am truly sorry — I send my apologies to anyone I offended. I don't like to hurt people's feelings. The words just came out and I was upset with Eric. I have friends that are Jewish and friends from New York. I am not prejudiced and I am truly truly truly sorry.

As public apologies for temporary attacks of involuntary bigotry go, Amber's seems as heartfelt as they come: We suspect her best Jewish and New York-based friends would readily back up her claims that her hurtful words were merely spoken in retaliation to the backstabbing, money-hungry tactics of America's Fiendish Jew Player Eric (whose sanded devil horns—interested side note!—became plainly visible after he spontaneously shaved his head down to a mohawk).