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PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you saw Andy Dick sober.

In today's episode: Jason Lee, Giovanni Ribisi, Nate Corddry, BJ Novak, and Rainn Wilson; Hilary Swank; Eddie Murphy, Jessica Alba and Dane Cook; Kiefer Sutherland; Diane Keaton and Ron Popeil; Frances McDormand; Jeanne Tripplehorn; David and Victoria Beckham; Sharon Stone; Donald Faison; Kevin Bacon; Kim Basinger and Slash; Donald Sutherland; Billy Crystal; Keith Urban; Adam Goldberg; Will Arnett; Michael Cera; Christina Ricci; Tim Meadows; Seal and Heidi Klum; Andy Dick; Laura Prepon; Mark McGrath and Bonnie Franklin. In China: Josh Hartnett.

· I'm probably not the first to write in about the arcade fire show at the hollywood bowl on 9/20, but we seemed to be sitting in the special nbc section. giovanni ribisi and jason lee were sitting together nearby, giovanni looking trim and tiny, jason lee rocking the earl mustache. they were smiling a lot and seemed to be there with their ladies. spotted nate corddry of the late, not-too-much-lamented "studio 60" sitting close to bj novak from "the office." bj had a beard and wore a hoodie and seemed to be trying hard not to be recognized, leaving before the show was over with the lights still down. that was a huge contrast to rainn wilson, sitting a few rows behind us, who seemed to be hanging with friends but chatted with every well-wisher who came by to tell him how much they love dwight schrute. he stayed til the end and sang along with every song. as far as we could tell, dwight and ryan the temp did not make contact with each other...

·Arcade Fire at the Hollywood Bowl, 9/20- Rainn Wilson in the box seats. He wouldn't take a picture, but he let a friend and me talk to him for about five minutes. Was wearing a jacket from his new movie "The Rocker." He then proceeded to stand up and rock out during most of the show. Very nice man.

· Just saw Hilary Swank and her CAA boyfriend (I don't know agents & too lazy to's like John Parcheezi or something, right?) enjoying Saturday morning (9/22) brunch at Patrick's Roadhouse in SM. I can report exclusively that she looked very petite and feminine in a royal blue track suit and long hair pulled back for a Sat morning. Really cute, actually.

· Wednesday September 19th, around 10PM.
I saw Eddie Murphy at the "Good Luck Chuck" premiere party at Napa Valley Grille. He was a late joiner to the party—his reserved sign looked different. Anyway, he showed up with 2 guys and 2 pretty young things, all dapperly dressed. Apparently he refused to use the guest bathroom, and instead was escorted to the employee bathroom to do his bizness.
Jessica Alba (looking reaaaaal skinny, with a big ole entourage) and Dane Cook were both there, nice enough, surrounded by hanger ons.
That's all.
Hope that helps.

· Walked into Mr. B in Burbank, escaping a torrential downpour in Burbank, Saturday the 22nd. The bar seats were full of regulars, but I saw a slight, darkly dressed man in a corner booth, on my way to the restroom.

I came back to the table my boyfriend had selected and he said '9 o'clock' ( the corner booth). It was Kiefer Sutherland with a Coke in a bucket and a shot of something brown, intently text messaging on his cell phone. He looked trim and quite handsome.

The regulars were all quite aware of him. One asked for an autograph, which he graciously penned. Another asked for a cell phone pic; again, he obliged. And another offered to buy him a drink, but he kindly explained to the bartender that he was just stopping by for one on his way home from work.

On his way out, he shook many hands. Seemed like he was quite familiar with the place. Did I mention that he looked trim and quite handsome in all black with a trench/raincoat?

· My friend and I decided to take a long lunch in Beverly Hills today and drink some wine on company time. While I also saw an actual celebrity, Diane Keaton (wearing the bowler hat she has on every time I see a picture of her) the real treat of the afternoon was spotting the king of the infomercial. Looking about as I remember, but maybe a little older, was the inventor of the veg-o-matic, the solid flavor injector, the spray paint toupee, and many other modern marvels, Ron Popeil! I know I should be ashamed, but I haven't been so excited in quite some time.

· On Friday I was at Sharkey's on Beverly Blvd (Beverly Hills). I was chatting away with my friend when all of a sudden, right next to me was Frances McDormand. Dressed in jeans and a t-shirt with the cutest little girl, she is the coolest and was smiling and super friendly to everyone.

· wednesday 9/19: strolled into the newly remodeled joans on third, i
see jeanne tripplehorn — eldest and most wrinkliest of the "big love" sister-wives. she was eating with a man and a young boy and, thankfully, bill paxton's naked posterior was not present.

thursday 9/20: pretty late into our meal at neal fraser's restaurant
grace, around 9:15, the door opens and a silence falls over the room
as victoria beckham enters wearing a very tight, very short black dress. she sits down in the corner with three business-looking people, but then sends one of them to the hostess to get them moved a few tables over. she didn't look nearly as icy or robotic as i'd expected and, dare i say, almost seemed pleasant. about 10 minutes later and with less fanfare, a surprisingly thin david beckham comes strolling in with a sweater/tie combo and sits next to posh. for the rest of the meal, the duo don't seem to talk to each other much. maybe posh is mad that becks is home because of his injury? go play some soccer or something, bro.

saturday 9/22: waiting outside of griddle cafe, a short-haired Sharon stone comes in with her son and cuts to the front, bypassing the mass of peasants waiting outside for a table. she definitely looks her age, but was very involved with her son. later on in the meal, Donald Faison — he of "clueless" and "scrubs" fame — saunters in with his girlfriend.

·Friday 9/21 7 pm. Kevin Bacon, sauntering out of Ammo on Highland, with agent-type, and younger-looking version of Kyra. Mr. Bacon looked not a day older than his Footloose days, but at least his haircut was better.

·Two for one.
Wednesday 10/19 KushiYu in Tarzana
Slash looking GOOD and very un-bloated eating sushi with his family. No one but me knew who he was. He is not letting the 90's die.
Kim Basinger was also there. Looking beautiful but in a bad outfit.

·Sunday September 23 - I saw Donald Sutherland at the Third Street Promenade, walking E. down Arizona. Long, flowing silver hair. Dark sunglasses. Tan-ish suit. No expression, actually sort of zen-like. Just walking at a moderate pace. Just a regular guy on a Sunday afternoon. Happens to have spawned Kiefer. That is all.

·Keith Urban getting off a Vancouver to LAX flight on Sunday, September 23rd. No entourage, very low key. Gave me some pause when he bypassed the waiting town car driver to head straight for the bathroom, but I'm sure it was totally innocent. Seemed very humble and cool.

Billy Crystal dining at Toscana in Brentwood on Monday, September 24th. Looked like he was with his wife and a friend.

· I saw Adam Goldberg at the 3rd Street Trader Joe's on Thurs., Sept. 20. He is in surprisingly good shape, very toned. But tattoos running up and down both arms and a crazy look in his eye. I would cast him as the unibomber in a heartbeat.

·It's been my week of Arrested D cast sightings. I strolled past Will Arnett on Larchmont this past Friday afternoon. Dude is tall — and hot!!

· Finally managed a contemporary sighting; it's usually 70's TV b-listers for me in the valley. Entering the Jamba Juice in WeHo Gateway Friday afternoon (9/21), Superbad's Michael Cera entering with a young bearded guy and a young woman. They exited with their smoothies 10 minutes later while I sat and enjoyed my concoction in the plaza. Wearing a gray wool cap and a reddish hoodie, he looked about 12, chattering away with his friends. Honestly, he barely looked old enough to drive, and totally normal. But then he did play a high school student in the movie.

· 9/23/07- Starbucks in the Target center at Santa Monica and La Brea- there sitting in a corner was little Christina Ricci with what looked like a freshly chopped Vidal Sasoon bob- looked great on her. She was talking to producer Barry Mendel. As I waited for my mocha (yeah, I like mocha's, bite me) I could hear them talking. And I'm pretty sure Barry asked her if she mourns not being able to play a certain type of role b/c of her age. COME ON, Barry, learn yourself some tact!! You don't ask an actress anything related to age— get it together, man! Hopefully, I just misheard him (but I'm really only saying that so the lawyers don't come after me).

· Saw SNL alum and perpetual Ladies Man Tim Meadows ordering pizza on Friday night at Village Pizzeria in Larchmont. It took great strength not to ask him "say, sweet thing, can I buy you a fish sandwich?"

· 9/22 - If Seal or Heidi Klum are reading this, I swear I'm not stalking you. If you guys are stalking me, however, you're more than welcome and sorry for boring you. This was the second Sunday in a row I've spotted Seal at the Starbucks on Beverly in Beverly. This time he was with the Mrs. and driving a more family friendly SUV. As I was walking out of Starbucks, I heard a blast of Seal music coming from said SUV and caught Heidi Klum grooving to her hubby's tunes in the passenger seat. The couple, dressed in rock 'n roll cool jeans and t's, walked into Starbucks holding hands. They're hot and look like they genuinely have great times together.

· Spotted Andy Dick on Sunday night (9/23) at Amoeba. Startlingly, he appeared to be wholly sober, and refrained from molesting any random passers-by (that I could see). He was with a cute 20something blonde girl - she seemed normal enough, but must have a screw loose somewhere because, well, she was voluntarily in the company of Andy Dick.

· 9/23 - Laura Prepon, AKA "Donna from That 70s Show", looking blonde and generally very pretty, spotted with two female friends at the Pinkberry in Los Feliz on Vermont. She paid for her friends' yogurts which means her total probably came to $50 or something. How generous of her! And it's not even really yogurt.

·Mark McGrath on the 22nd floor of the Mandalay Bay late on Saturday night Sept 22, or was it early Sunday morning?....walking with a bunch of dudes and a 12 pack of BUD LITE?? Looks like they were post show (Sugar Ray played Saturday night), but I hope they were going someplace where no one minded if the brought their own cans.

· Friday the 21st - While enjoying the weather in Downtown Ventura, Lo and Behold! Bonnie Franklin of One Day at a Time fame! Ms. Ann Romano looks GREAT! "Hey Annie! Where's Schneider!?"

Special Great Wall of China Josh Hartnett Edition:

· I walked the Great Wall on Thursday and spotted Josh Hartnett with two British friends, one male and one female. The girl was dressed in a totally inappropriate tight and short black spandex tank top/skirt one piece thing that had all the Chinese blushing and pointing and commenting all day. She was also constantly taking photos of Josh for which he happily posed. Never photos of all three of them just being friends on the wall but photos just of him striking a pose. I don't think anyone on the wall would have noticed him if not for that. You don't exactly expect to see celebrities in a place like that. At one of the stops where a guard charges you extra to keep walking the wall (very Chinese) Josh and his friends loudly laughed and complained about being ripped off. They were clearly joking because the amount was like 2 dollars each but it seemed more like mockery to the locals and a bit over the top. He was wearing a black t-shirt with a low round scoop neck and a pair of jeans. At some point he wrapped a white t-shirt around his neck like a scarf and he had on Ray Ban Wayfarer shades. He was really nice to anyone who approached him and asked for photos or wanted to chat for a bit. There were only about 5 people who did so and they were British frat boy types. After the hike to the Si Ma Tai section of the wall he sat and had some beer with his friends. There was a lot of talking about deals and agents and dinners and stuff like that. It was all a little surreal for the location but a bit of unexpected fun on a really great day.