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Even though there's still no publicly scheduled end to Lindsay Lohan's stint at Cirque Lodge (corporate motto: "When Malibu's Promises are broken, head to the mountains of Utah."), other rehabilitation centers need to stay proactive if they hope to win the troubled actress's business following her next coke-panted, hostage-taking relapse.

In an ad in today's NY Post, the Canterbury Institute makes a bold pitch to be Lohan's choice once she deletes the fearless moral inventories she made during her time in threehab from her Blackberry and leaps from the wagon, perhaps hoping that their eye-catching DON'T DIE LINDSAY! headline's proximity to an item about how she once ganked Steve-O's blow will demonstrate that they really "get" her.

Also: Canterbury wasn't the first rehab outfit to use a celebrity-tie in to advertise their medical approach to addiction treatment.