CAA Assimilates The Yankees

· Agenting's Evil Empire joins forces with its baseball equivalent, luring the New York Yankees into their nefarious embrace with the promise of brokering lucrative new corporate sponsorships and keeping the clubhouse buffet stocked with the most delicious babies the Bronx has to offer. [*Full disclosure: As a lifelong Yankees fan, this one really hurts.] [Variety]
· Now using fifth-grade English reading lists to fill out his development slate, NBC perfect storm Ben Silverman has ordered 13 episodes of a drama series based on Robin Crusoe. [THR]
· Overseas audiences prove surprisingly tolerant of Chuck and Larry. We suppose that fun promotional website with the dancing and cake force-feeding really paid off. [Variety]
· Desperate Housewives (apparently not only still on the air, but fairly popular to boot) helps ABC win Sunday night with its season debut, though the show's ratings were off 23 percent from last year's premiere. [THR]
· The Queen screenwriter Peter Morgan is working on a sequel to the Oscar-nominated film which will explore Tony Blair's relationship with Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. The story makes no mention of Helen Mirren's involvement, leaving us to wonder if a lesser actress will be tapped to smolder underneath Elizabeth's sensible hunting outfits. [Variety]