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Accused serial rapist/fashion designer Anand Jon Alexander —a hyphenate we hope we don't start seeing more of on the celebrity-styling landscape in the months to come—has been indicting by a grand jury for having allegedly lured 20 girls and young women to Los Angeles with promises of modeling opportunities. (That's an impressive gain of 8 more victims and 22 separate counts since he was charged last April.) From the KNBC report:

Alexander, 33, is charged with 54 felony and five misdemeanor counts, including forcible rape, sexual battery by restraint, lewd acts upon a child, sexual penetration by a foreign object, using a minor for sex acts...

...forcible and attempted forcible oral copulation, assault with intent to commit a felony, possession or control of child pornography and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

Any mention of Alexander immediately merits a visit to—the designer's official online presence, marrying the best qualities of circa-1997 wedding-DJ promotional literature with the finest UFO-suicide-cult website design—where you can peruse his Gallery of Famous Ladies I Never Raped. You'll have to forgive us, however, if something in Patrick Stewart's dead-eyed stare doesn't suggest the two shared something far more ominous than a post-fashion-show glass of celebratory bubbly.