
Rajaratnam Indicted

cityfile · 12/15/09 03:03PM

Ever since Raj Rajaratnam was arrested in October for allegedly operating a vast insider trading ring, lawyers for the hedge fund founder have been busy pointing out flaws in the government's case. Now they'll get to see how it plays with a jury. A federal grand jury formally charged Rajaratnam with five counts of conspiracy and six counts of securities fraud this afternoon. [BN]

Palin Email Password-Guesser Indicted

Pareene · 10/08/08 10:31AM

The dumb kid who guessed Sarah Palin's Yahoo Email "security questions" and then posted her password on 4Chan has finally been indicted! David Kernell, 20, turned himself into federal authorities today. According to the indictment, Kernell "intentionally and without authorization accessed a protected computer by means of an interstate communication and thereby obtained information." This apparently comes with a maximum 5 years in prison and a $250,000 fine, should he be found guilty. We still think Yahoo should be indicted for having such dumb security questions. Also: "interstate communication"! Devious! [KnoxNews]

Maggie · 11/27/07 09:41AM

So, yes, Anthony Marshall, the prodigal son of deceased grand dame Brooke Astor, isn't completely getting away with (allegedly!) swindling his own mother out of millions of dollars. Last night, Marshall and his lawyer Francis X. Morrissey Jr were indicted on criminal charges last night based on a grand jury investigation into their treatment of the beloved philanthropist who died last August at age 105. (We liveblogged her funeral!) The specific charges have yet to be announced, but according to the New York Sun, they probably have to do with the nefarious duo's perfidious and wanton manipulation of a senile millionaire's will—including possibly forging her signature on a 2003 amendment to that will.

Hero Kerik Caught Up In Federal Witch Hunt

Pareene · 11/08/07 09:55AM

Federal prosecutors are asking a grand jury to indict Bernie Kerik, the man who personally saved New York and Iraq from all the criminals. You accept one $165,000 bribe and suddenly all your accomplishments mean nothing. Kerik also failed "to report as income more than $200,000 in rent that they say was paid on his behalf to use a luxury Upper East Side apartment," but jeez, who among hasn't forgotten to save an important receipt or two? Let's all pray for a speedy resolution to this whole misunderstanding, so that Kerik's name can be cleared and President Giuliani can once again begin appointing him to various government positions against the recommendations of any sensible people he might still have around him. We kinda like the sound of "Secretary of State Bernard Kerik." We should set up the Kerik Legal Defense Fund so Bernie can start actually paying his lawyers!

U.S. Will Ask a Grand Jury to Indict Kerik [NYT]

Anand Jon Alexander Indicted For His Spring/Summer Rape Collection

seth · 10/04/07 07:03PM

Accused serial rapist/fashion designer Anand Jon Alexander —a hyphenate we hope we don't start seeing more of on the celebrity-styling landscape in the months to come—has been indicting by a grand jury for having allegedly lured 20 girls and young women to Los Angeles with promises of modeling opportunities. (That's an impressive gain of 8 more victims and 22 separate counts since he was charged last April.) From the KNBC report: