Howard Kurtz: The T.V. Said Iraq War Is A Debacle!

In a weird adapted excerpt from his book on T.V. news that apparently comes out tomorrow, Washington Post nosepicker-columnist and CNN blatherer Howie Kurtz lets us know that the liberal T.V. painted the Iraq war as a bloody place where people get blown up and bad things happen! That is so crazy! How could they?! (Is the rest of his book so ludicrous?)
Through the routine decisions of daily journalism—how prominently to play a story, what pictures to use, what voices to include—the newscasts were sending an unmistakable message. And the message was that George W. Bush's war was a debacle. Administration officials regularly complained about the coverage as unduly negative, but to little avail.
Yeah, and what did Howie's CNN show, "Reliable Sources," do yesterday? Why, he had stalk-happy right-wing Canadian frightwig Rachel Marsden talking about how great Jenna Bush is. Whatever! Mmm, reliable sources indeed.
Huffington Post has a roundup of some anchor-machinating tidbits from the book, which sounds like more of the general beefing about Katie Couric's potty-mouth and how Brian Williams, probably accurately, thought that his numbers on the NBC Nightly News were being killed because local stations were dying and not throwing him any lead-in viewers.