"Emasculated? We'll See!" was the headline of the Page Six item this morning that basically told New York magazine's Vanessa Grigoriadis to watch what she said about that venerable gossip institution, because the males of Page Six would totally rape her... except maybe not because she's so darn hairy and ugly. Charming. Not to mention completely out of proportion! Grigoriadis's claim—that the column was "emasculated" after former Sixer Jared Paul Stern was accused of trying to blackmail supermarket magnate and (whatever, alleged) Radar investor Ron Burkle, wasn't even that controversial. And Richard Johnson's move to cover his ass by whipping out his dick, as it were, seems to have completely backfired.

There are not one but two items on Radar today about Johnson, one about the Grig slur and another pointing to Johnson's seeming favor-trading with Joe Francis, who he may have witnessed getting up to his rapey old tricks at Johnson's bachelor party.

Days before Johnson's April 8, 2006, nuptials to Sessa von Richthofen, Johnson and crew were crashed out in the living room of Francis's $25 million, 13-bedroom estate in Punta Mita, Mexico, nursing hangovers when the porn auteur came home and disappeared into a bedroom with a young woman. Eyewitnesses say later that morning the young woman burst out of Francis's boudoir, groggy, crying, and yelling, "That motherfucker raped me!" She staggered off saying her boyfriend in Oklahoma was a lawyer who would "sue the fuck out of" Francis.

Johnson and fellow revelers were left dumbstruck. But Francis—who has been accused of procuring underage prostitutes, promoting sexual performances from children, drug trafficking, racketeering, and rape—was quick to calm their nerves. "Guys, relax," he told Johnson and others, according to witnesses. "We're in Mexico."

Wonder what sort of retaliation will be in Page Six tomorrow morning!

Previously: Dispatch From The Gossip Wars