The Battle For Iggy: A Round-Up

Not since Britney Spears picked up a little London turd with a couture dress that wasn't her own has one Hollywood rat-dog caused such a firestorm. An Iggy round-up:
· Look, everyone! It's the adorable fleabag at the center of this mess! (Click it for a bigger Iggy.) [AccessHollywood]
· A terrorized Marina Baktis from Mutts & Moms explained that it was Portia de Rossi who signed the contract, and that there's no chance Iggy is going back to Ellen's hairdresser, where he might "be subjected to an unspeakably awful lesbian-shag hairdo." (OK—she might not have said that last part.) [AccessHollywood]
· Ruby, the tearful 12-year-old from whose arms Iggy was torn away after a "three-hour standoff in the family's backyard" speaks out: "I love Iggy and I just want him back." We all want a lot of things, kid, doesn't mean we get them: Now stick that in your empty doggie sweater and walk it around the block. [Inside Edition]
· This Telepictures-funded poll, the same Warner-owned company that produces The Ellen DeGeneres Show, has results that seem a little skewed to us. []
· Then again, we're certain Telepictures owning TMZ TV has no bearing on the fact that the story has elicited the first sympathetic celebrity-siding in the history of the website. [TMZ]
· Ellen told Ryan Seacrest she can barely comprehend Baktis's statements that she "won't let the Ellen DeGenereses of the world get away with this," by which we think the shelter-owner meant "messianic creepy-animal-lover celebrities prepared to use the power of television to ruin the life of any plebe who dare cross them," though we don't want to put words in her mouth. [People]
· PETA chooses Team Ellen, hoping there's a nude ad campaign in this for them if they play their cards just right. []