Wikiprofits on Wales's mind?

A tipster is telling us we got it right on why founder Jimmy Wales is moving Wikipedia to San Francisco: dollar bills. Tall stacks of them. Specifically, Wales is looking to tap the deep pockets of Wikipedia benefactor Roger McNamee of Elevation Partners, our source believes. You know, the firm U2 frontman Bono shills for. Our tipster writes that McNamee and Wales have plans to profit from Wikipedia. Curious, since Wikipedia's run by a nonprofit. The tip, after the jump.
I'm sure with their brains and resources, they've already figured out a way around Wikipedia's 501 (c) 3 status. Looks to me like Jimmy's about to be able to afford all the kimonos he wants now!
We think Wales might be talking to McNamee more about his for-profit venture Wikia than Wikipedia. But we're willing to listen if you know better.