Matt Lauer's Interview With Larry Craig: The Reviews Are In!

Members of the press, we salute you, for your bravery in the face of extreme humiliation. Matt Lauer's Dateline interview Tuesday with Senator Larry Craig and his wife regarding Craig's restroom run-in with the law and/or male sexuality has journalists everywhere who viewed it bemoaning the experience—almost as though they'd been, say, recently exposed as hypocritical, closeted adulterers on national television. Poor things!
Andrew Sullivan in The Atlantic: "It was excruciating. Beyond embarrassing. Extraordinarily painful..."
Rachel Sklar at Huffington Post: "Exclusive and excruciating...Oh gosh...uncomfortable to watch..."
Paul McLeary at CJR: "painful"
The New York Times: "excruciatingly embarrassing"
Carpetbagger: "unusually awkward"
New York's Daily Intel: "quietly uncomfortable"
Washington Blade: "cringe-inducing spectacle"
Lauer has been alternatively dragged across the coals and praised for his interview strategy, but our own favorite soundbite came from Doug Elfman in the Chicago Sun-Times, who asked the Today Show host, "Did you ask him why he's a big liar?"
Lauer's answer? "That's not my job... My job is to ask middle-of-the-road questions and let the audience judge for themselves." Well! Uh, good job?
A side note: Those of you interested in sabotaging a coworker's computer today should do a Google search with the following search terms: "larry craig" "painful" and "excruciating." The Internets says you're not old enough to go there! My eyes!