Cops called to break up a fight at the MySpace party

Turns out I wasn't the only person kicked out of the MySpace party last night. A tipster writes in:
I was at the myspace party last night and there's one thing i didn't see mentioned at all. At around midnight, me and buddy headed to oola for a late night dinner, and about an hour later I was driving my friend to his car. I was driving up third street in front of the moma and there were three cop cars and one of those cop paddywagons with a stripey shirted guy being escorted into the van- cuffed with his hands behind his back. I didn't see anything about it on sfgate of valleywag- but i'm guessing it would be on a police blotter.
According to the San Francisco Police Department, police were called to the museum to break up a fight between two parties around 1:23 a.m., but no one was arrested. FutureWorks PR head Brian Solis took a few snapshots of the brawl, printed after the jump.

According to an eyewitness,
[The fight] was between 3 guys, two went down, one right after the other after a pushing match. The second broke glasses and took another girl down with him. She went down pretty good and started crying on the floor. Then it was broken up.
So, was this shoving match over valuation jealousy or did someone try to cut in line to sit next to Rupert Murdoch? If you know any more details, please fill us in.
(Photos by Brian Solis)