Fox Preparing For Possible Strike By Pissing Off Its Assistants

As we all await the dread-inducing tolling of the bell atop WGA headquarters that will indicate the union has received strike authorization from its membership, it seems like a good time consider the effect that the looming work stoppage is already having on the call-rolling underclass that allows the town to function. Over at Fishbowl LA, a disgruntled employee laments that Fox has decided to cut back on assistant overtime to help lessen the financial burden of a strike while leaving their bosses' expense accounts untouched:
So this week they cut overtime at Fox for Assistants. I think that's BULL FUCKING SHIT. They say it's a cost cutting measure in anticipation of the strike. [...]
What I want to see is someone calling these assholes out on their totally stupid, cheap, excuse. Why should the only the assts have to suffer for something that may or may not happen a couple weeks from now? They didn't curtail Executive Expense accounts here...I know my bosses routinely spend more than my entire salary per week on lunches and drinks etc. not to mention sending flowers or wine to people at $100 a pop. Anyway... Someone should do a special report on this strike business and how it affects us assistants...
While we'd never suggest anything as drastic as a walkout (the writers pretty much have a monopoly on that threat for the moment), maybe the Fox assistants can find some other form of protest to let the higher-ups know there might be better corners to cut if they're trying to save some money. Their bosses would probably get the message if their underlings coordinated a mass lunch reservation cancellation, then followed it up with the "accidental" collective shredding on the Fox lot quad of every happy hour cocktail receipt awaiting inclusion in an expense report.