This morning the New York Times reported the same third quarter earnings-per-share as last quarter; this was up over same quarter last year, just as last quarter's was down over the previous year. (Stupid metric!) Circulation money was slightly up; that's due to higher prices for some papers offsetting what they call "volume declines." (Fewer papers!) There hasn't been significant recent growth in online income—while it's definitely up over last year, it's about the same as their last quarter, a bit over 10%. Mention obviously goes unmade of their stock price and its ten-year low. The upshot: in year-to-date comparisons versus 2006, we don't think 2007 is going to come out a winner over last year, though ad revenue was up (yay!) this quarter; October has already stalled a bit. Finance people should please chime in to see what we missed amid all these numbers! [NYTCo]