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Cookie, Conde Nast's magazine for the hip, contemporary, with-it, sassy, stylish, modern mom, announced yesterday the launch of "MomtheVote," their oddly capitalized "nonpartisan political initiative" to engage moms in the political process.

"Cookie's 'MomtheVote' program, which has been trademarked, will include a series of "Campaign Crib Sheets," progress reports on the candidates and their positions on topics of concern to mothers throughout the year," says the press release, and they promise all sorts of offensive pandering, useless "nonpartisan" un-depth looks into the "important issues" of the day, and non-scientific polls on their website in the coming months. And though Cookie's website doesn't actually yet have anything related to the election, or politics, or common human decency, Momthe's can hop over there and Vote in their Kid-Style Contest, a collectiong of little people dressed unnervingly like big people. Do you like the 6-year-old Terry Richardson-in-training? Perhaps the littlest Diane Arbus subject? Make your voice heard! Vote!

Kid-Style Contest [Cookie]