MySpace exec gets the heave-ho

Shawn Gold is out as MySpace's senior vice president of marketing and content, we keep hearing. It seems few at News Corp. or Fox Interactive Media will miss him, from the tart-tongued reports of his exit. Gold, previously an executive at AOL's Weblogs Inc., touted himself as MySpace's "chief marketing officer," a title he didn't hold. His pretensions to the C-suite, as well as a clash with MySpace's European marketing chief, Jamie Kantrowitz, may have cost him his job. And then there's the curious question of what, exactly he did at MySpace. On a social network, users ought to provide both the marketing and the content. True, bands have found MySpace to be a congenial environment to promote their tours and music. But MySpace's own efforts to market its video channels have proved more laughable than lucrative.