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Over the weekend, a large number of so-called smart phones set their clocks back an hour a week too soon, observing the old end of Daylight Saving Time. And you thought you were 55 minutes early today! I used the extra hour last spring to hunt down instructions for the most popular computers and phones. Summary for BlackBerry users: Set your phone to Mountain Time for the next week. To save you more time today, I've preposted the first three comments to this item from software engineers.

  • First post: "Everyone knows the POSIX standard for time_t leaves timezone translation to the application developer. Therefore it is not surprising to me that I missed my Monday status meeting by an hour and have been demoted to desktop support."
  • Second post: "You fail to mention that the BlackBerry can be easily upgraded to handle the new DST rules correctly. Simply download patch 08MAR424.7 from RIM's FTP server. Then, using a #12 Torx wrench and a standard size 000 sprotchel, replace the JPROM chip with an unlocked black-market model readily available on eBay despite the fascists at the FCC. The entire process takes less than three hours."
  • Third: "My iPhone works just fine. Valleywag ignores the Apple community at its own peril."