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Always on the lookout for a hotly anticipated videogame-launch soirée at which to ply herself with complimentary libations and mingle with the stars of major network television series, undaunted Defamer PartyWatcher Ann penetrated the Guitar Hero III party Saturday night. Located on the roof of a Pico Blvd. Best Buy—soon to rival Les Deux as Hollywood's most aggressively selective social destination—photographer Maggie Serrano tagged along to capture all facets of the decadent, shredding-for-dummies proceedings. Ann's report, and a photo gallery, follow after the jump:

Saturday night, the rooftop of the Best Buy at Pico and Sawtelle was transformed into a Guitar Hero III-lovers paradise. First in line were Eric and Jose, who had waited in the blistering West L.A. cold for a staggering three hours to get their copy signed by Slash. Said Eric, "We work down the street so we just, um, walked over."

Inside was a videogame smorgasbord for all senses, complete with a sushi chef and gaming stations, and hosted by the object of many a nerd's wet dreams, Brooke Burke, followed by an appearance by Slash himself and an electrifying performance by Poison (Rock of Love ingenue/strippers nowhere in sight). The event was not without movie industry infiltration—Sony, Warner Brothers and Paramount each set up tents to pimp their various tie-in and home video wares.