
The 'Hooker Safari' Show At The Cory Helford Gallery

seth · 11/13/07 08:43PM

Feeling the need to add some culture to their lives that required neither the prefix "pop-" nor the involvement of a frozen yogurt stand, Defamer PartyWatcher Ann and photographer Maggie Serrano took in a showing of Hooker Safari, a concrete-jungle-themed show of works by artist Natalia Fabia at the Cory Helford Gallery in Culver City. There, our fearless social chroniclers encountered all manner of body-paint fetishists and colorful art world types. The report, and an image gallery, follow after the jump.

Defamer Joins The 'Family Guy' 100th Episode Celebration

seth · 10/31/07 06:27PM

It's been a busy week for Defamer PartyWatcher Ann: Having barely recovered from Saturday night's Guitar Hero III launch festivities in which she got a little carried away and set her controller ablaze in a Hendrix-channeling moment, she managed to pull it together in time to check out Monday night's celebrations in honor of the 100th episode of Family Guy. Accompanied by photographer Maggie Serrano, the two were warmly welcomed by the various Seths in attendance. Her report, and another one of those fun photo galleries, follow after the jump.

Defamer Hits The 'Guitar Hero III' Launch Party

seth · 10/30/07 05:39PM

Always on the lookout for a hotly anticipated videogame-launch soirée at which to ply herself with complimentary libations and mingle with the stars of major network television series, undaunted Defamer PartyWatcher Ann penetrated the Guitar Hero III party Saturday night. Located on the roof of a Pico Blvd. Best Buy—soon to rival Les Deux as Hollywood's most aggressively selective social destination—photographer Maggie Serrano tagged along to capture all facets of the decadent, shredding-for-dummies proceedings. Ann's report, and a photo gallery, follow after the jump:

Defamer Returns To The Hollywood Hellhouse

seth · 10/23/07 07:02PM

Defamer PartyWatcher Ann and photographer Maggie Serrano checked into Hollywood Hellhouse this weekend, a tour of the depraved we first took three years ago and have now returned to, in the hopes that its horrific depictions of drug use, homosexual intercourse, and botched abortions might eventually begin to nudge us towards the path of the righteous. (Sadly, we appear to just keep doing what it is we're doing, albeit getting progressively drunker.) In its latest incarnation, ensconced in an abandoned Acapulco restaurant on La Cienega that only recently hosted the far cheerier Father-Daughter Purity Ball, Bill Maher good-naturedly donned some devil horns for an impromptu photo-op in the post-Hellhouse Youth Center. The entire photo gallery is here.

The 'Just Britney' Opening At The World Of Wonder Gallery

seth · 10/01/07 06:33PM

As we struggle to make sense of a world in which one of the most beloved music icons of our era is robbed of her frequently fumbled pride and joy merely because of a two-year, drug and nudity-filled rough patch, we felt we could use some cheering up courtesy of a party report from trusty Defamer PartyWatcher Ann. Accompanied by photographer Maggie Serrano, the two attended Friday's opening soirée for the Just Britney show at the World of Wonder gallery in Hollywood, site of the Golden Girls Erotica Expo. With the fallen pop star the subject of every work on display, it was a unique and exciting happening attended by club kid and club adult alike. Ann's report and an image gallery follow after the jump:

Defamer Visits The Peter Harper Art Opening

seth · 09/25/07 07:29PM

Always on the lookout for an open bar cultural happening, Defamer PartyWatcher Ann trekked to Costa Mesa for a showing of new works by sculptor Peter Harper (brother of Ben) at the Rico Garcia Fine Art gallery. There, she sampled Danny DeVito's Clooney-seducing poison of choice—his own brand of Limoncello—while keeping a sharp lookout for many of the "confirmed celebrities" the press release promised would be in attendance. But even without a single Meg Ryan or Cox-Arquette sighting, there was more than enough free liquor and stimulating art on hand to render the journey a success. Ann's report, and a photo gallery courtesy of photographer Maggie Serrano, follow after the jump.