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A loyal reader and apparent Facebook enthusiast notes in his Facebook status, "so valleywag apparently has a bigger boner for FB than i do ... weird, huh?" I can only assume this comment comes in response to our chart yesterday showing Facebook's vast superiority to the gang of also-rans Google has rousted up to support OpenSocial. But here's the thing. No way do we have the biggest boner for Facebook. That prize goes to Alexa. Care to inspect for yourself?

Now, we know you already know that Alexa is thoroughly broken, with a methodology so suspect as to be risible. But some of you complained that we used for our charts yesterday. And also, there was the matter of the size of our boner to defend.

So here's how Alexa compares views of Facebook and MySpace over the past year:

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By contrast, here's how Compete compares the two social networks' "people count" over the past year:

No discussion of boners for Facebook would be complete, however, without mentioning Karel Baloun, author of Inside Facebook: Life, Work and Visions of Greatness. Judging by that title alone, you should know there's your man for a big old red and meaty for the blue and white site.