Britney Spears Sets A Course For Comeback: A Round-Up

It's been a strange couple of days in the Drunk-Alice-in-a- Child-Neglecting-Wonderland universe of Britney Spears, whose long-awaited comeback album, "Blackout," released Tuesday to shockingly not horrible notices. (Her parenting skills, on the other hand, scored a solidly red Metacritics 16, the general consensus being that a Praline Ice Blended does "not constitute a suitable replacement for baby formula.") In order to get you up to speed, a Britney round-up:
· First day sales of "Blackout" numbered 124,000, putting her on track to sell around 350,000 units in the first week. That's enough to put her at the top of the Billboard charts—a feat rendered even more amazing when you consider her producers derived the entirety of the album's vocals by digitally fiddling with one usable note. [People]
· Ryan Seacrest managed to get an interview with a half-asleep Britney on his radio show yesterday morning, where she outlined the media-blitz campaign to support her latest release: "Um...We watched a movie." Another highlight was this classic exchange in response to Britney's description of her dinner the night previous: Ryan: "Fried chicken and cookies. Britney, I've seen your diet just because I happened to watch the television, so I know you've been eating some good food recently." Britney: "Yeah." Ryan: "I mean we get to see all the drive-thrus." [4 seconds of dead air.] "Hello?" []
· Britney's made it out to Heidi Klum's Halloween party last night, perhaps the only person on the planet not dressed as Britney Spears. Instead, she dressed as Girl in Heart-Shaped Sunglasses and Pink Tiger-Striped Mesh Bodice. It was a hit! [Getty Images]
· gets a bold new look, while still awaits its much-delayed facelift., meanwhile, is still your go-to internet destination for all your plastic pipe fitting and valve needs. [,,]