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A bunch of "experts" and white men are trashing Rupert Murdoch's all-knowing decision to add Natalie Bancroft to the board of Murdoch's News Corp. The 27-year-old non-performing opera singer and member of the Bancroft family, which happily tossed the Wall Street Journal to the Aussie tabloid terror and now would like to Monday morning quarterback everything, is described as probably being the gal who will plan the Christmas party. Let me ask the old white men this: Have you ever been to that poker game? The one where the new girl arrives in the slightly-inappropriate dress and is all "Um, oh my God, what is 'Texas Hold 'Em'?" And then she leaves with everyone's money and a couple phone numbers? We know Natalie Bancroft is that girl. From board meeting number one, she has the greatest advantage on her side: She is not encumbered by a penis, that poisonous organ that makes people stupid.

Experts question Bancroft choice for News Corp [Reuters]