Craigslist Abounds With Exciting, Strike-Related Opportunities

What better way to celebrate Day 5 of the writers strike than by trawling Craigslist—the one place you can find a couch, a job, and a lunchtime quickie within minutes—to see what kinds of opportunities might have arisen from the wreckage:
· Studio executives who failed to get the stockpiling memo: It's not too late. Listing "We Are Saling Our Scripts!" informs deep-pocketed buyers that, "We are saling our scripts to anyone who's willing to purchase at a reasonable price." Bai now before they're all snapped up! [CL]
· The only place you're likely to find more scabs is on Steve O's body. [CL, CL, CL, CL]
· Attempts at humor can be lost entirely on Craigslist's sometimes gullible user base: "RE: SUPPORT THE WRITTERS GIULD...This person states that they are a 'writter', cant even spell his chosen profession! maybe this person is rushing out to get into the strike lines that they just cant be bothered with clicking the spell check button. here are some of the other misspelled words, 'giuld' 'toleraded'" [CL]
· "I say, instead of striking, we should have sex, like normal people do in normal cities. Anyone? I'm skinny, nice-looking, and I'm crossing the picket line right fucking now." They're right! Maybe Nick Counter and David Young should just get a room at the Mondrian, engage in the sweaty hate-fuck session they obviously want, and emerge swathed in afterglow and holding a newly drafted agreement. [CL]
· "angry writer on strike - w4m: angry writer on strike - You were so very rude to my friend while we were having drinks at the bar the other night. What was up with that? Though I normally enjoy steady streams of sarcasm, one of your comments was especially scathing and I can't help wondering if you are like that to everyone or was it just this particular guy you didn't like. Why?" Umm, hello, maybe because he was into you and jealous of the guy? But you knew that already—otherwise what would you be doing in Missed Connections? [CL]
· Finally—some sympathy for the strikers, by way of a generous offer to find them temp work: "WRITERS AFFECTED BY STRIKE & FRIENDS LET US HELP YOU! We can find you permanent or temporary positions...Management, Data Processing, Editing/Proofreading, General Office with in the fields of Entertainment..." [CL]