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Today's San Francisco Chronicle has more details on the upcoming wedding of Google founder Larry Page and his girlfriend Lucy Southworth. The Chronicle confirms that it will be happening the weekend of December 8, but they can't seem to find the location. As we told you earlier this month, it's taking place on Necker Island, the Caribbean hideaway owned by Virgin billionaire Richard Branson. Branson, naturally, is expected to attend the event, along with San Francisco god-mayor Gavin Newsom and "many current and former Google employees" (Perhaps ex-girlfriend Marissa Mayer?). One person, though, is skipping the bash.

That's former U.S. Vice President and current Google "senior advisor" Al Gore, who has a previous engagement in Oslo, Norway that weekend — he's receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. ("Larry Page allowed that, on the list of excuses, that was acceptable," Gore told the Chronicle.) Gore is hoping to attend via videoconferencing, destroying any pretense of this being a high-society soirée —Necker's going to be Nerd Island for the weekend.