The Government's Security-Check Provider "Flushed" Files to Get Paid
Tom Scocca · 09/27/13 03:58PM
Remember when Al Gore and the Clinton Administration made everyone happy by "reinventing government" back in the '90s, on the principle that government functions would be more efficient if a third-party private intermediary were taking profits on them, because the invisible hand of the free market will always produce optimal results? The New York Times has an update on the operations of USIS, the company born in 1996 with the privatization of the Office of Personnel Management's investigative operations.
Gangnam Style, Lil B, Bill Nye, Chuck Norris, and 'A Gay Dog' Got Votes: Your Ridiculous Ballot Write-Ins All in One Place
Camille Dodero · 11/07/12 08:30PM
As Diane Sawyer would say, "People around the world diiiiiiiiiiie—literally, die" for the right to vote. How do some Americans choose to wield this power so many have sacrificed their lives to obtain? By voting for Santa Claus. Or Mickey Mouse. Or a Korean-pop dance style that mimics a constipated jockey riding a horse.
Al Gore Suggests Mile-High City's Altitude May Have Affected Obama's Ability to Debate
Neetzan Zimmerman · 10/04/12 02:06PMReaching for seemingly any reasonable explanation for Obama's stunning listlessness at yesterday's presidential debate, former Vice President Al Gore offered up a "controversial" suggestion: It's the altitude, stupid.
Sarah Palin's Marathon Time Was Two Minutes Faster Than Paul Ryan's
Taylor Berman · 09/03/12 03:45PM
It was bad enough that Paul Ryan compulsively lied about his marathon time, but now comes word that, among recent vice-presidential candidates who ran marathons, Ryan is only the third fastest. John Edwards posted the fastest time at three hours and thirty minutes. Impressive, if not super surprising; you don't get to be as monstrously vain and awful as him without a masochistic workout regimen. The real surprise here, though – and the one sure to sting the most to Ryan – is the report that former Alaska Governor and current reality TV matriarch Sarah Palin ran a marathon in three hours and fifty-nine minutes, a full two minutes faster than Ryan's time.
Did Jose Canseco Admit to Not Writing His Brilliant Tweets?
Adrian Chen · 04/20/12 08:00AMWho's More Unprofessional: Keith Olbermann Or His Last Four Employers?
Max Read · 03/30/12 06:18PM
Keith Olbermann was just fired from Current TV — and we hear that chances of him actually showing up to a slated appearance with old Sports Center cohost Dan Patrick at a panel in New York City next Thursday are not much higher than the lottery odds. Guess Dan will have to do this one by himself. Not that he should be surprised, given Keith's history of trouble with his networks.
Who Wants To Buy This Guy's 'Big, #1 Story' for $1.5 Million?
Emma Carmichael · 03/14/12 04:45PMAl Gore Is Apparently Unaware That Steve Jobs Hates Snitches
Ryan Tate · 09/21/11 08:19PMAl Gore Shuns Rick Perry, Outs the Host on Colbert Report
Matt Cherette · 09/13/11 11:53PMStephen Colbert welcomed former Vice President Al Gore to the Report tonight for a wide-ranging chat—just kidding, it was mostly about global warming because, duh, Al Gore. That notwithstanding, the interview did have two standout moments, including Gore's refusal to reciprocate Rick Perry's 1988 endorsement of him, as well as a conversation about Keith Olbermann that ended with Gore accidentally "outing" Colbert as a character. Here are both of them in one video.
Newt Gingrich Unlikely to Appear in More Climate Change Ads with Nancy Pelosi
Jim Newell · 07/26/11 01:43PMMy personal favorite way to remember how far to the right the Republican party has move in only a few years is this 2008 Al Gore-funded commercial in which Newt Gingrich and Nancy Pelosi urge the country to address climate change.
Gore: President Obama Has Failed to Lead on Climate Change
Jim Newell · 06/22/11 12:57PMKeith Olbermann Is Already Insulting His New Boss Al Gore
John Cook · 06/07/11 02:47PMOld Reporter Outraged that Young Press Secretary Is on Facebook
Hamilton Nolan · 05/19/11 02:48PMKeith Olbermann Officially Announces His Marriage to Al Gore
John Cook · 02/08/11 12:25PM
It's official: As had been rumored for hours, Keith Olbermann is bringing his special brand of self-righteous haranguing to Current TV, Al Gore's weird TV thingie that no one watches. On a phone conference call today, Olbermann revealed that he will host an hour-long newscast five nights a week for Current and will serve as the network's "Chief News Officer."