Quick quick! If you respond to this ad in the next two-and-a-half minutes, you might be the lucky one chosen! The task? Hitting the streets to round up food carts for Thursday night's book launch of Michael Franzini's "One Hundred Young Americans," out a couple of weeks ago from HarperCollins, our favorite company that is currently being sued for $100-mil by Judith Regan.

It seems the publishing house's marketing team was not so much on top of it, sorry about that, Michael.

We want to have 1 or 2 cool food vendors&mdash preferably with carts. We're thinking maybe a hot dog cart&mdash or something more exotic from the NY Magazine List of Best Street Food Vendors."

They will give you 100 whole dollars for this! Of course, you will have to audition for the privilege. "Please send us a brief e-mail telling us why you're the ideal person to do this." We suggest starting with "I am able-bodied and otherwise unemployed."