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· Joining Ron Howard's Angels & Demons in writers-strike-induced production limbo is Olvier Stone's Pinkville, a move that temporarily puts Bruce Willis and Woody Harrelson out of work. [Variety]
· ...but luckily for Willis, a paycheck for director Jonathan Mostow sci-fi thriller The Surrogates was just waiting to be cashed. [Variety]
· The Academy releases the shortlist of its 15 documentary feature Oscar contenders, a group that includes Michael Moore's Sicko, but which tragically overlooks the hilarious King of Kong, a look at the dark, mulleted, hot-sauce-hawking underbelly of competitive Donkey Kong playing. [THR]

· Steve Guttenberg goes dark, taking on the role of a father whose son goes missing in the middle of a divorce in The Well, a film that should make everyone quickly forget he just went slumming with Jessica Simpson in Major Movie Star. [THR]
·SNL's staff is put on "unpaid hiatus" until the resolution of the strike; in the meantime, the writers and cast who put on Saturday's UCB version of the show are donating the proceeds of that benefit to their laid-off co-workers. [Variety]