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Now that we've had two weeks to get acquainted with the gays and ladies vying for the title of America's Next Top Project Runway Design Star, we thought the time was ripe to turn to the internets in search of some contestant nudity.

After some cursory Googling for contestant Chris March in the bearish altogether failed to turn up anything, we settled for Jack Mackenroth—he of the square jaw and chiseled physique, who may or may not have been prematurely ejected from the show for staph-infection-related reasons. Photographer Frank Louis captured the contestant in a variety of poses, including the above study which contained what we can only imagine was a none-too-accidental balls-slip. (Continue to Louis's website for the uncensored photo and the rest of the NSFW series.) While there is much to admire in the portraits, we prefer our images of Mackenroth to be more candid, such as this priceless screengrab of the gasp-inducing moment he first laid eyes upon featured fashion icon guest judge, Sarah Jessica Parker.