Earlier today we explored the BYOB shysteriness of one company's yuletide party and we asked for your disgruntled corporate christmas stories. You obliged in spades, you bitter battle worker bees. Here's a selection. Keep them coming at tips@gawker.com

  • "Our company is not holding a formal party this year because we just began an employee wellness program, which is incompatible with alcohol, fatty food and, presumably, random sex. Our holiday gift consisted of a tote bag (which were available year-round in the supply room), a golf towel from our former parent company (surplus), and a cup. How original."
  • "Umm, I work for a multi-million dollar law firm - one of the biggest in the world - and this year they have decided to throw our "party" in the unheated lobby of the building that we work in and share with another global firm. The lobby is open 24/7 (meaning there is always business being conducted and people coming in and out), surrounded on all four sides with ceiling to floor open windows (people stand outside and gawk constantly), and is home to one of the largest areas of lost tourist gatherings in the city - seriously WTF???? nightmare!"
  • "I heard Ann Taylor is having theirs at Spanky's BBQ! Now that's classy....."
  • AND, for all you folks looking to crash Reuters' holiday party: Hope you wore a nice outfit, cause it's tonight!
  • "It's our "holiday" party tonight (the closest holiday being Thanksgiving) In the Rainbow Room at Rockefeller Center. From 6 to 9. On the same day as the effing tree lighting."