Scott Donaton announced a few weeks ago that he's leaving Ad Age, where he was finally named publisher back in February, for the publisher slot at Entertainment Weekly. In an email sent to pals last week (one that reads very much like a cover letter to a job application!), he enthuses about "how much passion" he carried for the "brand" of Ad Age and how excited he is to move on to a "great brand," particularly because his new job is located at the intersection of all things he holds dear, including... branding.

From: Scott Donaton To: Scott Donaton Subject: From Scott Donaton

Hi, all.

I look forward to being in touch with each of you individually, but I wanted to drop a line right away to let you know some exciting personal news.

On Dec. 10, I will join Time Inc. as publisher of Entertainment Weekly. Which means, of course, that I have made the very difficult decision to leave Advertising (and hopefully contributed to) great success stories. [Ed. Note: ???]

If you know how much I love Ad Age, how much passion I carry for this brand and the people who work here, then you'll understand how irresistible the Entertainment Weekly opportunity is. I've been a
fan and close observer of EW since its launch in 1990, and the chance to bring my energies and talents to this great brand-to be a part of its success stories-was simply too good to pass up. In many
ways, it is the intersection of all the things I've spent my career exploring: media; entertainment; marketing; advertising; and branding.

For the next few weeks, I'll be here helping with the transition. After that, my goal is to take a week off to catch my breath before diving into the next phase.

If you're getting this, you're a friend, colleague and partner, and I hope our relationships will deepen (and take on new forms) moving forward.


(If you want to store it, my email address as of Dec. 3 will be